Thursday, July 2, 2009

locomonkey's jessie contest entry

Since locomonkey can't post on the blog yet, I'm posting her Jessie2000 contest entry for her :)

Chobots built buildings, made friends, and the nicest chobots who follow the rules were rewarded with an agent badge. Soon there were many agents. But There were still some evil chobots. There was on chobot named disgrace. They were mean and rude. Disgrace said naughty words and hated all chobots. Noone knew why they were so mean. But then one chobot found out. It turned out the chobot was jealous of every one. They tried to convince him there all the same, but he said he is nothing at all so whats the point? Vayerman could not take this much longer. He sentenced disgrace to come to him. She did Vayer man said disgrace, you are as important as every one else. No matter what you do. disgrace thought about what he said. The last time she was Seen, she was smiling and disgrace wasnt disgrace any more. she was grace. But there will always be a disgrace out there. But us chobots soon will fix that. We all took the pledge to keep this a family game, and we will stay that way.



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