Yes, I'm back.
wow :3 it feels so .. WEIRD. actualy posting again. I'm super super super super super super SUPER(!!!!) sorry for not posting in like, foreva. Homework is n-sane these days :3
lol, i'll try my best, but don't expect a post too often xD
TY TY TY so much to everyone who still checks the blog even tho i'm a lazy thing that never had time and energy to post. XD
I promise, I'll do my best now!!!
Friday, November 6, 2009
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hi guys,
sorrry for not posting in forever, its been pretty busy with school..
anyways, I'm here to show you some cool items :)

As you can see, there is a new hair [very stylish :)] and a cool new c-flag, which is similar to the Vflag. You can also see some butterfly wings..can't wait for all of them to come out :))
sorrry for not posting in forever, its been pretty busy with school..
anyways, I'm here to show you some cool items :)

As you can see, there is a new hair [very stylish :)] and a cool new c-flag, which is similar to the Vflag. You can also see some butterfly wings..can't wait for all of them to come out :))
Sunday, August 23, 2009
GUS WUT?! ima new author on the secret squad blog, YAY! :D
Im soo happy, this has been like my dream lol ^>^
wewt! just posted some stuffz there, check it out! :)))
GUS WUT?! ima new author on the secret squad blog, YAY! :D
Im soo happy, this has been like my dream lol ^>^
wewt! just posted some stuffz there, check it out! :)))
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
HIya guys,
Here's some of my graffiti I made over the past few days..hope you like them! :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hiya peepz,
ima done wit the new heder! hope yeh like it :P
P.S. If you have a blog and want me to design/make a header for you, just ask! :)
ima done wit the new heder! hope yeh like it :P
P.S. If you have a blog and want me to design/make a header for you, just ask! :)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Designs and some Mod Magic =]
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Hiya peeps,
A late update..
BACKGROUNDS! Yes, I said backgrounds! xD You can find them in the magic shop. are some pics.

Now how to put them on- open your player card, click the white part of it, and voila! You see a little window displaying your backgrounds! :D
Something popluar right now is making your chobot black, wearing only black clothes, then putting on your black background..and all you see are floating eyes! AHHHH!!!! :O
Monday, August 10, 2009
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Monday, August 3, 2009
Hiya pplz,
Did you guys (and girls :P) go to the Birthday party yesterday? Or the Mimo one? I went to both, they were awesome ;D .. the Mimo party was so full that the entire server crashed and we got booted to another one! that was the first time I saw it happen o_o it also rained...and rained..and rained...and rained. (I think my wardrobe is gonna explode soon) If you missed the rain, don't worry, I'll be having some contests soon, and the shirts will be my prizes :)
I also was lagging so badly that the screen froze for about 40 min O_O and finally I managed to get the shirt messages..and the gazillion messages people've sent me during the lag. yikes.
Well, it was a fun party, and another fun one's comin up today! You dress up as a mod ;) I'm dressing up as Hiki! You?
Did you guys (and girls :P) go to the Birthday party yesterday? Or the Mimo one? I went to both, they were awesome ;D .. the Mimo party was so full that the entire server crashed and we got booted to another one! that was the first time I saw it happen o_o it also rained...and rained..and rained...and rained. (I think my wardrobe is gonna explode soon) If you missed the rain, don't worry, I'll be having some contests soon, and the shirts will be my prizes :)
I also was lagging so badly that the screen froze for about 40 min O_O and finally I managed to get the shirt messages..and the gazillion messages people've sent me during the lag. yikes.
Well, it was a fun party, and another fun one's comin up today! You dress up as a mod ;) I'm dressing up as Hiki! You?
Friday, July 31, 2009
HIYA pplz,
check out this pic! (I used magic to make myself bigger than everyone else) xD
(click to enlarge)
It was cool magic ..but no mod! xD I'm guessing it was leftover from a party or something..anyways, it was pretty awesome! lol
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Triplets ;D
Hiya peeplz,
OMG! Today Chobot was online, and he told everyone 'a code' (thats what most people are referring it to) Basically, its a tinypic a picture of a chobot wearing BLACK FLAME WINGS!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?! Black Flame wings might be a future mod or something item! I can't wait :DD
Anywayz, here's a pic:

cool huh? (BTW the background was originally white; I added the black lol)
Hiya peeplz,
Hiki's having a magic party today, at the Park, 18:00 Chotime (mysterious server xD)
And she says to wear yellow..soo wear your yellow clothes!
CYA there! xD
Hiki's having a magic party today, at the Park, 18:00 Chotime (mysterious server xD)
And she says to wear yellow..soo wear your yellow clothes!
CYA there! xD
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Hi guys,
(Click to enlarge) Also, my entry is:
For starters, you should have your logo background black, and of course all the members of the squad on it..Anyways, some more ideas:
-Think of two main colors for the logo
-Once you have ur two colors, then, make a border based off of those to headers. the border can a plain color, a squiggle, a zigzagged pattern- anything!
-Below the squad member's name and chobot put gold, silver, and bronze stars next to the members based off of their contributions :)
-If its possible (idk lol), maybe add some animation to the header? example: the letters of the logo spin when you wave your mouse over them-make your words shadowed (like i did in my header xD)
-add some sparkles, bright colors, etc; you want to make your header POP!
-Have a catchy catchphrase xD exmple: Craazy cheats by crazzy chobots! xD
-You know how when you highlight a picture, it turns into cool black-rainbow-ish colors? (haha hard 2 explain) anyways, you should decorate the header with the secretsquad badge, and the cool, flashy highlighted one too :)
-for each chobot's name, have them choose a signature, but easy to read, font (example: maybe jessie2000's name could be in cursive)
Haha anyways, that's my entry for the header contest! i hope i win :))
Hiya Everybuddeh,
Chek out this new and cool pic!
YAY! The Chobots team is working on a BEACH! Maybe they'll come out with some swimsuits and floaties (for non citizens, please?? xD) to wear at the beach! I can't wait ;)
Monday, July 27, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
And the winner of the Name That Song contest is..
Congratchulashoins xD! Your name will be added to the prize list :)
Congratchulashoins xD! Your name will be added to the prize list :)
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hiya Everybuddeh!
I've decided to start a new contest, Name That Song! I post some lyrics of a song (it may be new, old, wellknown, or whatever!) and you have to name the full name (the ENTIIIRRE title! xD) and the singer/band. Make sure you don't miss a word of the title, or anything! 'Cause I'm gonna be pretty picky xD
Anyways, here areee the lyrics of our first Name That Song! contest ;)
As we go on,
We remember
All the times we, had together
And has our lives change, come whatever,
We will still be, friends forever
Do you know that song? If so, comment your answers, winner goes on the prize list xD
I've decided to start a new contest, Name That Song! I post some lyrics of a song (it may be new, old, wellknown, or whatever!) and you have to name the full name (the ENTIIIRRE title! xD) and the singer/band. Make sure you don't miss a word of the title, or anything! 'Cause I'm gonna be pretty picky xD
Anyways, here areee the lyrics of our first Name That Song! contest ;)
As we go on,
We remember
All the times we, had together
And has our lives change, come whatever,
We will still be, friends forever
Do you know that song? If so, comment your answers, winner goes on the prize list xD
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hi Guys,
Guess what? Smurfet was on Chobots for a little while, and we had a nice party; he rained cone hats (no longer in shops) and green balloons :P

Here he made us all big xD (click to enlarge)

And here, he made a pretty rainbow @_@ lolz (click to enlarge)
He also did a b-day cake..a two-in-one pic! xD
He then logged off, and Canab came on, and the party moved to the underground (I don't think he did any magic or such, so no pics lol)
It was a fun, short, and random party, were you there? xD
Guess what? Smurfet was on Chobots for a little while, and we had a nice party; he rained cone hats (no longer in shops) and green balloons :P

Here he made us all big xD (click to enlarge)

And here, he made a pretty rainbow @_@ lolz (click to enlarge)
He also did a b-day cake..a two-in-one pic! xD
He then logged off, and Canab came on, and the party moved to the underground (I don't think he did any magic or such, so no pics lol)
It was a fun, short, and random party, were you there? xD
:O watch out for this guy! And remember, do not give ANYONE your password, no matter what they say!
Monday, July 20, 2009
New Items!
Guess what? :O
There's new items in the shop!
Chobots now has an ant mask, and flip-flops. Both are citizen!
Once again, I'd post a picture, but I dun have paint, and I'm having print screen issues -.-
Anyways, that's all the new stuff for now :D
xoxo_emily, OUT! :3
(Ima new agentttttt -does happy dance-) xD
There's new items in the shop!
Chobots now has an ant mask, and flip-flops. Both are citizen!
Once again, I'd post a picture, but I dun have paint, and I'm having print screen issues -.-
Anyways, that's all the new stuff for now :D
xoxo_emily, OUT! :3
(Ima new agentttttt -does happy dance-) xD
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Hi guys,
Well, since I'm the only one posting and doing work on this blog, I decided to have some help, and I invited xoxo_emily!
She'll be posting stuff here and there, too, so welcome, emily! xD
Well, since I'm the only one posting and doing work on this blog, I decided to have some help, and I invited xoxo_emily!
She'll be posting stuff here and there, too, so welcome, emily! xD
Hai :3
(\ (\
( ^_^)
I'm xoxo_emily; Emily for short.
I ish a new author here =D
This blog is pwn'ful, and I'm proud (lol) to be in it!
Hopefully I'll be able to post Chobots pictures soon x.x
And hopefully I'll do a good job keeping everyone updated on updates and stuffz =P
Well, that intro looks good to me...
xoxo_Emily, OUT! xD
( ^_^)
I'm xoxo_emily; Emily for short.
I ish a new author here =D
This blog is pwn'ful, and I'm proud (lol) to be in it!
Hopefully I'll be able to post Chobots pictures soon x.x
And hopefully I'll do a good job keeping everyone updated on updates and stuffz =P
Well, that intro looks good to me...
xoxo_Emily, OUT! xD
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Hi guys,
Check out Hiki's new awesomeh HIKI shirt!
(clik to enlarge)
I'm guessing its a soon-to-come-out mod item, like the Chlos, BBoy+GGirl shirts, etc. ;)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hi guys,
I was at the green party and saw Chobot..and his new, awesome suit! xD
(clik to enlarge)
Isn't it awesome? I hope this will be a future mod/citizen item! ;)
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Hi guys,
Make sure you go to Loco's 100th part-ay! xD
WHERE: Rockemall Street, server: Live Star
WHEN: July 13th, 21:00 Chotime
please come!! :)
Make sure you go to Loco's 100th part-ay! xD
WHERE: Rockemall Street, server: Live Star
WHEN: July 13th, 21:00 Chotime
please come!! :)

Hi guys,
I was in Cafe Street, just chatting with my friends, when someone PM'ed me this! :O
Make sure you look out for this chobot! (user is liam2)
REMEMBER: Only mods can make you agents (at least I'm pretty sure only mods can do that ;) but agents can recommend.) If ANYONE is asking for your pass, whether to make you an agent, citizen, mod, etc., they are SCAMMING! So watch out!
Hi guys,
Loco and I are going to have a contest soon, so keep checking back for more info! :)
Loco and I are going to have a contest soon, so keep checking back for more info! :)
Saturday, July 11, 2009
For Jessie2000's 200th birthday, the Chobots Team made her a mod! CONGRATZ jessie!!! XD
For Jessie2000's 200th birthday, the Chobots Team made her a mod! CONGRATZ jessie!!! XD
Hi guys,
What cool facts do YOU know about flowers? Go to the Chobots forum, and comment some insteresting facts about flowers in general, or a specific type. Don't forget to include pictures!! :)
What cool facts do YOU know about flowers? Go to the Chobots forum, and comment some insteresting facts about flowers in general, or a specific type. Don't forget to include pictures!! :)
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hooray, it's my 100th birthday!!
(no rhyme intended XD)
My party was originally today..but due to the fact that everyone was too obsessed about the house contest and all to notice or's postponed to tomorrow.
If anyone pays attention to it tomorrow, hopefully the details are this:
WHEN: Tomorrow, 21:00 Cho-Time (5:00 might need to convert to your time)
WHERE: My house? IDK! I'll invite you when it starts, so don't worry :)
Why: MY 100TH BDAY! DOH! ..well actually, now it'll be my 101th bday.
Please come!
Monday, July 6, 2009
When I logged onto Chobots this morning, I had two messages, both from the Chobots Team...
Both of them said: Congrats! You got your 10-day shirt! This is weird because:
-I already got my 10 day shirt
-I should be getting my 20 day shirt
-Now I have three 10-day shirts!
lol weird!
Both of them said: Congrats! You got your 10-day shirt! This is weird because:
-I already got my 10 day shirt
-I should be getting my 20 day shirt
-Now I have three 10-day shirts!
lol weird!
Sunday, July 5, 2009
คฬєร๏๓єภєรร! รฬєєt! l๏l tђเร รเtє เร ร๏ ς๏๏l!!!!! l๏l :)
I remember a week ago or so, someone wrote a message (it just said "awesomeness"), copied and pasted from the same site I went to, and soon, everyone ELSE copied and it got to the point where nearly everyone was writing it! XD
Anyways, if you want to try it out, go to
its cool! :D
I remember a week ago or so, someone wrote a message (it just said "awesomeness"), copied and pasted from the same site I went to, and soon, everyone ELSE copied and it got to the point where nearly everyone was writing it! XD
Anyways, if you want to try it out, go to
its cool! :D
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Hi guys,
As you probably know, US flags (non-citizen) and Uncle Sam-style hats XD (citizen) were in the catalog; At first, the flag was free, but it soon rised to 500 bugs...I think the hat as 500 bugs, too.
I bought a flag for 500, and later got 3 more from rain, I also got 2 hats from rain, but I'm not a citizen so I couldn't wear lol.
Well, anyways, the flags and hats are now GONE, no longer in the catalog! I hope you bought one while you could! If you didn't, though, they'll probably have them next year too :)
How many US flags do you have? I know some people went to just about all the parties and got tons of flags and hats, you can sell them for 100 bugs each :)
BTW, did you notice: If you were wearing rocket boots, or probably anything else that made you float, while you walked, your flag would have some rippling effect, so it looked like it was flapping in the wind while you were walking! Cool, huh? ;)
Hope you had a happy July 4th!! I know I did :)
As you probably know, US flags (non-citizen) and Uncle Sam-style hats XD (citizen) were in the catalog; At first, the flag was free, but it soon rised to 500 bugs...I think the hat as 500 bugs, too.
I bought a flag for 500, and later got 3 more from rain, I also got 2 hats from rain, but I'm not a citizen so I couldn't wear lol.
Well, anyways, the flags and hats are now GONE, no longer in the catalog! I hope you bought one while you could! If you didn't, though, they'll probably have them next year too :)
How many US flags do you have? I know some people went to just about all the parties and got tons of flags and hats, you can sell them for 100 bugs each :)
BTW, did you notice: If you were wearing rocket boots, or probably anything else that made you float, while you walked, your flag would have some rippling effect, so it looked like it was flapping in the wind while you were walking! Cool, huh? ;)
Hope you had a happy July 4th!! I know I did :)
Friday, July 3, 2009
WOW! The entire day was a mess on Chobots today D:
It started with some fight in the morning, and by the afternoon, there were at least 5 different people swearing, being REALLY rude/mean, etc.! IDK if it was because of the riot, but Canab was there for awhile..he made us invisible, yay! :D
*cough* back to the topic...
Jessie posted about what to do in this situation, and if you missed that post, I'll write something similar to what she said (but in mah own style XD):
theres always gonna be some bad nichos out there in chobots..but that doesn't mean that you can let them ruin your fun on chobots!! when you're unlucky enough to crash into a nicho, do these three steps:
1. Report
2. Ignore
3. Uh...tell 'em off??
lol, jk, don't do the last least, not that often. XD
but what NOT to do? Give them attention. it's obvious that all these nichos want are a bunch of good citizens freaking out and saying "DON'T SAY THAT!!!"..and yeah. all that good stuff.
it's also obvious that these ppl aren't planning on playing long-term, so reporting? not much use. the main thing is to IGNORE THEM, because who wouldn't get discouraged after recieving a hundred messages saying that they've been ignored? Exactly.
If the chobots get, like, really outta control, then ignore/report isn't an option. Instead, opt for sending a message to support, telling the story about this person..if you want, get your friends to do that (if they witnessed it), but if you're planning on sending a message to every1 on your list screaming "REPORT NONAME AND SEND A MESSAGE TO SUPPORT!!!NOW!!!!) and now your asking me, "can i do that?"
my answer?
got it?
or, even better, if you're buddies with a mod that's online at the moment, and the nicho is still swearing its head off, try sending a message and inviting the officials over! that'll scare 'em nichos away... or at least ban them.
anyways, don't let those bad guys ruin the fun of Chobots!!!!
It started with some fight in the morning, and by the afternoon, there were at least 5 different people swearing, being REALLY rude/mean, etc.! IDK if it was because of the riot, but Canab was there for awhile..he made us invisible, yay! :D
*cough* back to the topic...
Jessie posted about what to do in this situation, and if you missed that post, I'll write something similar to what she said (but in mah own style XD):
theres always gonna be some bad nichos out there in chobots..but that doesn't mean that you can let them ruin your fun on chobots!! when you're unlucky enough to crash into a nicho, do these three steps:
1. Report
2. Ignore
3. Uh...tell 'em off??
lol, jk, don't do the last least, not that often. XD
but what NOT to do? Give them attention. it's obvious that all these nichos want are a bunch of good citizens freaking out and saying "DON'T SAY THAT!!!"..and yeah. all that good stuff.
it's also obvious that these ppl aren't planning on playing long-term, so reporting? not much use. the main thing is to IGNORE THEM, because who wouldn't get discouraged after recieving a hundred messages saying that they've been ignored? Exactly.
If the chobots get, like, really outta control, then ignore/report isn't an option. Instead, opt for sending a message to support, telling the story about this person..if you want, get your friends to do that (if they witnessed it), but if you're planning on sending a message to every1 on your list screaming "REPORT NONAME AND SEND A MESSAGE TO SUPPORT!!!NOW!!!!) and now your asking me, "can i do that?"
my answer?
got it?
or, even better, if you're buddies with a mod that's online at the moment, and the nicho is still swearing its head off, try sending a message and inviting the officials over! that'll scare 'em nichos away... or at least ban them.
anyways, don't let those bad guys ruin the fun of Chobots!!!!
The LCMakeover, as I dubbed it (clever, huh? lol XD) is almost complete! Only one more job- probably the biggest one- is left: the HEADER!
I need some ideas for what design/logo thing to use for the header! Please please please comment if you have an idea! ;)
The LCMakeover, as I dubbed it (clever, huh? lol XD) is almost complete! Only one more job- probably the biggest one- is left: the HEADER!
I need some ideas for what design/logo thing to use for the header! Please please please comment if you have an idea! ;)
Size of text? You choose!
Hi guys!
Lol, the locofetti blog just went through in extreme makeover. Do you like it? ;)
But WAIT! It's not finished yet!
One of the things I still need to fix is the size of the print. Do you like it bigger like this, or do you want it smaller? Comment what you want! It's all up to you ;)
Lol, the locofetti blog just went through in extreme makeover. Do you like it? ;)
But WAIT! It's not finished yet!
One of the things I still need to fix is the size of the print. Do you like it bigger like this, or do you want it smaller? Comment what you want! It's all up to you ;)
Thursday, July 2, 2009
july 4th celebration on chobots!
Hi guys,
Did you see the latest post on the official blog? They've made a July 4th themed coloring page! I'm printing that out! lol ;)
Also, Tina said that Chobots will have a couple of parties on July 4th, each one will be announced about 30 min before it starts, so make sure you check the blog many times that day! :)
Did you see the latest post on the official blog? They've made a July 4th themed coloring page! I'm printing that out! lol ;)
Also, Tina said that Chobots will have a couple of parties on July 4th, each one will be announced about 30 min before it starts, so make sure you check the blog many times that day! :)
locomonkey's jessie contest entry
Since locomonkey can't post on the blog yet, I'm posting her Jessie2000 contest entry for her :)
Chobots built buildings, made friends, and the nicest chobots who follow the rules were rewarded with an agent badge. Soon there were many agents. But There were still some evil chobots. There was on chobot named disgrace. They were mean and rude. Disgrace said naughty words and hated all chobots. Noone knew why they were so mean. But then one chobot found out. It turned out the chobot was jealous of every one. They tried to convince him there all the same, but he said he is nothing at all so whats the point? Vayerman could not take this much longer. He sentenced disgrace to come to him. She did Vayer man said disgrace, you are as important as every one else. No matter what you do. disgrace thought about what he said. The last time she was Seen, she was smiling and disgrace wasnt disgrace any more. she was grace. But there will always be a disgrace out there. But us chobots soon will fix that. We all took the pledge to keep this a family game, and we will stay that way.
Chobots built buildings, made friends, and the nicest chobots who follow the rules were rewarded with an agent badge. Soon there were many agents. But There were still some evil chobots. There was on chobot named disgrace. They were mean and rude. Disgrace said naughty words and hated all chobots. Noone knew why they were so mean. But then one chobot found out. It turned out the chobot was jealous of every one. They tried to convince him there all the same, but he said he is nothing at all so whats the point? Vayerman could not take this much longer. He sentenced disgrace to come to him. She did Vayer man said disgrace, you are as important as every one else. No matter what you do. disgrace thought about what he said. The last time she was Seen, she was smiling and disgrace wasnt disgrace any more. she was grace. But there will always be a disgrace out there. But us chobots soon will fix that. We all took the pledge to keep this a family game, and we will stay that way.
what's your opinion?
hi guys!
right now, our blog is still in its "decorating" stages, lol.. and i was thinking of having a theme..
what do you think?
what theme would you want it to be?
right now, our blog is still in its "decorating" stages, lol.. and i was thinking of having a theme..
what do you think?
what theme would you want it to be?
friendship! XD
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
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